The recently published position paper of CIDSE (Catholic Alliance of Development Agencies) on the urgency of climate change is well received. AEFJN aligns with the principles, philosophy and the logic underlying the position paper. Among others, the insistence of CISDE on paradigm shift of our economic system stands out. As Albert Einstein succinctly puts it, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it”. It follows that a paradigm shift must be preceded by a new civilization of human consciousness. AEFJN underlines that one of the greatest errors of our present civilization is the unconscious refusal to accept that humans are integral part of the ecosystem. The result is the consideration of other members of the ecosystem only in terms of their utility value. This error has served and continues to sustain the capitalist mind-set safe-guarding our present economic systems that has put the earth on the precipice of a disaster. So misled, our civilization does not recognise that the destruction of the ecosystem amounts to self-destruction. Conversely, the recognition of this fundamental error equally means an acceptance that the economic system that we have lived with through the centuries have been adversely corrupted by this error and a paradigm shift becomes immanent. Consequently, when integral ecology becomes the foundation for our economic systems, transition to agro-ecology and renewable energy will find their proper places and natural climate change mitigation will find a smooth sail. Click here to read the full text of CIDSE position paper.
In the same spirit, the heads of six continental bishops’ conferences on JPIC have called for an ambitious and immediate action to be taken in order to tackle and overcome the devastating effects of the climate crisis. These actions need to be taken by the international community at all levels: by persons, communities, cities, regions, nations. .[1] (Click here to read the statement of the bishops)
[1] Global Catholic Climate Movement