
Get to know Africa, its people, their concerns, their struggles and their successes.


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Corporate Justice

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris et dui eu dolor auctor dignissim et ac dolor. Integer ullamcorper sem erat.

Food Sovereignty

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris et dui eu dolor auctor dignissim et ac dolor. Integer ullamcorper sem erat.


Loren ipsum….


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Archive (Now -2013)

Archives before 2013

Last from Trade

Flowers from Africa

Flowers from Africa

"Instead of given priority to the production of food for the population, Ethiopia favours the production of biofuels and flowers for export."  - Ulrich Delius, GfbV-Afrikareferent Fresh flowers are a billion-dollar business in which Africa has conquered a significant...

African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) – Success and Problems

African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) – Success and Problems

Recently, the United States excluded four African countries from AGOA trade preferences. What is AGOA and who benefits from it? AGOA - WHAT IS IT? AGOA (African Growth and Opportunity Act) was launched by President Clinton in 2000 to promote trade and investment in...

Africa’s New Debit Crisis

Africa’s New Debit Crisis

One of the most successful campaigns in the year 2000 led to debt relief for 37 of the world's poorest countries. 20 years later, Africa is once again in a debt crisis, exacerbated by the pandemic. This new debt crisis has become a burning political issue. How did the...

Last from Corporate Justice

Last from Food Sovereignty

Webinar on Linking Laudato Si’ with Pastoralism

Webinar on Linking Laudato Si’ with Pastoralism

            On 23 May 2024, the Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Commission of Tanzania Episcopal Conference (TEC) and JPIC - Roma collaborated with the Maasai International Solidarity Alliance (MISA) to organize the Webinar on Linking Laudato Si’ with...

Last from Health

WHO Prequalification of Medicines

WHO Prequalification of Medicines

SUMMARY: Created in 1999, WHO prequalification ensures that essential medicines comply with WHO standards of quality, safety and efficacy. In so doing, this prequalification facilitates the work of National Regulatory Authorities, which lack the resources, for example...

Unlocking Africa’s Potential with the Miracle Moringa Tree

Unlocking Africa’s Potential with the Miracle Moringa Tree

In the heart of Africa, where climate change is wreaking havoc on communities already grappling with water scarcity and desertification, a humble tree is emerging as a beacon of hope: the moringa tree. Originating from the foothills of the Himalayas, the moringa tree,...

Last from Spirituality

Qui doivent être les formateurs de la conscience sociale ?

Qui doivent être les formateurs de la conscience sociale ?

Si les chefs religieux, les chrétiens, les musulmans et les autres religions ne ressentent pas le besoin particulier de faire quelque chose pour une conscience morale sociale, alors qui formera la conscience sociale dans notre nation. Lorsque nous, Professionnels...

Last from Africa

Hotspot West Africa – Conflicts and Interventions

Hotspot West Africa – Conflicts and Interventions

While the world looks at the conflicts in Ukraine and Palestine, a new trouble spot has developed in West Africa as a result of a series of military coups, almost unnoticed by Western public opinion.     Military Coups in West Africa In the last three years,...