Here in North Africa, our concrete commitment to the most vulnerable – our brothers and sisters in situations of exploitation and all kinds of trafficking – is lived out in the simplest and most discreet ways, following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, because we are a Church in a manger. We believe in the good that doesn’t make noise and the noise that sometimes doesn’t do any good.

It was with this confidence that we had the courage to organise two Church activities for our brothers and sisters in migrant situations on 27th September, when we spent an afternoon of reflection with them on the theme of the 110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees. It was a time of deep listening and sharing.

Yes, ‘every migrant or refugee experiences God as a fellow traveller, a guide and anchor of salvation. They entrust themselves to Him before leaving and turn to Him in times of need…’. This time spent on the 27th prepared us for a day of prayer together on 4 October, the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi and the close of the Creation season, when we are also invited to hope and act with Creation.

It was around this backdrop that the Church celebrated the World Day of Prayer for our brothers and sisters on the move. May the Lord open our eyes and our hearts, so that our encounters with those in need are always an encounter with Jesus.  

Sr Zaw Hien. Franceline  (Hydra)