Climate change is a moral outrage. It is a tragic and striking example of structural sin, facilitated by callous indifference and selfish greed. The climate crisis is leading to the destruction of our planet, the devastation of the lives of the poor, and the detriment of future generations. We, Church leaders and civil society organisations in Africa and beyond, demand world leaders, business leaders and decision makers to heed to this important communiqué, and in so doing, heed to the cry of the poor and the cry of the earth. These are the words of His Eminence,  Fridolin Besungu Cardinal Ambongo, Archbishop of Kinshasa, DR Congo ,Vice-President of SECAM and President of the Justice, eace and Development Commission (SECAM)      in his forward to the communiqué of the African Climate Dialogues. Cardinal Ambongo will lead the SECAM delegation to COP27. Click here to read the full comuuniqué.