At an International conference on the “Catholic Social Teachings and the Common Good: Implications for individual and institution participation in social engagement” held in Nairobi, Kenya February 20-23, 2017, the Executive Secretary of AEFJN (Chika Onyejiuwa) was invited to give an input on “Common Good advocacy against systematic marginalization in Africa”.  The conference, which brought together resource persons and participants from across Africa, Europe and America, was an effort to indigenize Catholic Social Teachings as a veritable tool for social and economic transformation in Africa. Among other things, Chika underlines that the poverty in Africa is systemic and that the Church in Africa must wake up from her slumber and engage in Common Good advocacy to save Africa from the shackles of systematic marginalization. The Church was founded to transform the earth into God’s Kingdom and it is imperative that the Church takes the practical consequences of the Christian narrative seriously. The text of Chika’s input can be found here.