The 2018 annual antennae meeting of AEFJN has come and gone. It took place at the hospitable Heritage Centre of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur from May 11-13. The meeting was well attended notwithstanding the visa challenge of one of the prospective participants. The presence of three members of the Executive from Rome was very supportive.  The SWISS antenna had offered the money to enable one of the antennae in Africa to participate but time was too short to procure a visa. Happily, the antenna promised to keep the money for next year’s antennae meeting, so we are hoping to welcome an African participant at the 2019 meeting. The two-day meeting was very intense for the participants who spent the period working on the 2019-2022 Plan of Action.  Nevertheless, the participants found some time to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the network. The 2019 antennae meeting is scheduled to be held at the same venue unless there is a request for a change from the members of the network.