AEFJN, the Network, its Vision and Mission
AFRICA EUROPE FAITH AND JUSTICE NETWORK (AEFJN) is a Faith-based International Network present in AFRICA and in EUROPE, established in 1988.

AEFJN promotes economic justice between the European Union and sub-Saharan Africa so that the poor of Africa may look forward to a better future.

The parts of AEFJN Network

The Antennae

The AEFJN International Secretariat in Brussels (Belgium) coordinates the Antennae, does advocacy work and lobbies the European Institutions on issues affecting Africa.

The AEFJN ANTENNAE (national groups) create awareness among Christians and religious, do advocacy and lobby towards the national governments, on issues relevant to Africa.

There are 10 Antennae: Madrid, Germany, Italy , Ireland, Netherlands, Cameroun, Nigeria, Kenya, Mozambique and Switzerland.


The member congregations

Nearly fifty Catholic Religious or Missionary Institutes present in Africa and Europe are AEFJN members. The Contact Person represents the congregation at annual AEFJN General Assembly.

Many AEFJN’s members, have experience of the reality of life in Africa and maintain close links with the people there.  Their Christian faith brings a deep respect for each and every human being and a wish to support people who do not yet enjoy their fair share of the resources of creation.


The Executive

Elected by the General Assembly they are the leadership of the Network.